Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where we are...

Well if you have ever experienced the adoption process you know how long and draining it can be. This goes for any kind of adoption, whether it be private domestic, international or through the foster care system. As I announced we are going through the adoption process again. We are currently working on our home study, this consists of lots of paperwork, Dr.'s visits, interviews, educational classes, and home visits. We are moving pretty quickly through this process since we have some experience in the adoption world and working with agencies. We have already had 2 home visits and finished our paperwork. We just got word that we will not have to do the educational classes since we have been taking them over the course of the last 8 years while doing foster care for a couple different states. K.C. was beyond thrilled with this discovery as we have completed hundreds of hours of training and sometimes feel as if we could teach the class (if I enjoyed speaking in public, which I do not). So in a couple weeks we have our last meeting to approve the final draft of our home study and the the searching and praying begins. We have a child or children out there and we can not wait to meet them and see who God has hand picked for us to grow our family. So that is just a little update of where we are in our adoption process. Please keep us in your prayers and our future child/ren that their heart will be prepared for the change that will happen in their life.

1 comment:

Wedding Warrior said...

So excited to see who God places in your life! Can't wait to meet them and welcome them into our lives as well.